
La Casa di Basso Giro - II

This house, as I mentioned in the writeup for the sepia version of this piece, intrigues me to no end. There appears to be a limitless amount of detail in this tiny little space, not only with the house itself, but its surrounding walls, and even the patterns in the pavement.

This piece, with all of its issues, served as a test palette for La Casa di Basso Giro - III so that I could practice mixing my colors. Every color in this piece started as one of the three Maimeri primaries: cyan, magenta, or yellow. The greens, oranges, and browns were all created by mixing these simple primaries.

One of the things that makes zoning color in, particularly the stonework of the houses in Pari, is the color of the masking tape that I use, which is an off-white or light yellow. Up until this piece and the one after it, I hadn't realized how much this was affecting my color choices as I was painting, leading me to choose colors with more of a greenish hue, rather than a true golden yellow.

La Casa di Basso Giro - II

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