Pixie - I (bianco e nero)
This black & white version of my friend's dog, Pixie, came about as something of a happy accident — if you can call anything in this life an accident — when one of my friends who owns M's Boutique in Putnam, Connecticut happened to see me working on my website and caught sight of the full-color version of Pixie.
She immediately fell in love with Pixie's personality and asked if she could have two 8"x10" prints to sell in her store: one in full color, and the other formatted as a black and white. The image that you are now viewing is the result of her request.
I have been pleasantly surprised to find that the black and white rendition of the original watercolor is reminiscent of pencil and/or charcoal. I have always had a deep affinity for both of these mediums, and the organic, "smudgy" feel that they exude.
I'm looking forward to creating more of these types of prints in the future. This experience is further proof that artistic inspiration can pop up anywhere — provided that we are open to new ideas and the unexpected ways they often present themselves.